Building multiple streams of income today is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Gone are the days when a one income household was all that it took to get ahead. In fact, two income households are often not enough. Gone also are the days when we could expect to have long term employment at one company and in many cases one career path.
Four or five decades ago, having long term employment was the typical path to financial security. In today's world, it is considered financial suicide to be dependent solely on a paycheck from a single employer.
Today the only way to ensure financial security is by developing multiple streams of income. Having a back up and hedging against shifts in the workplace is now standard operating procedure when planning for the future.
One of the oldest tenets in investing is to reduce risk and maximize return at the same time by having a diversified portfolio. So why wouldn't you do the same with your income? Creating multiple income streams protects you in the event one stream dries up.
Most folks perceive the two biggest obstacles to developing additional income streams to be time and money. This is simply not the reality; It is just an excuse.
Like all solid ideas that are worth pursuing, success is not going to come overnight. But with some simple straight forward planning, you could start adding dollars to your bottom line in a relatively short period of time.
By committing just a couple of hours a day for 2 to 3 days a week and investing in your future with a minimal expense of a couple of thousand dollars, you could be on your way to adding another layer of financial security to your lifestyle.
Remember that the time and dollars invested today to develop another income stream are an investment. This means you will be able to pay yourself back your startup cost and then earn additional income in perpetuity.
As another way to see it, it is a short term expense that will yield consistent daily gains over the long term.
Forex trading is an excellent additional income stream.
However, just like starting any other business you need to be properly trained. This is why statistically individuals who purchase franchises have a better success rate than the sole proprietor who tries to reinvent the wheel on his own.
The reason most folks struggle with these concepts is that they have a lottery mentality. They want to find instant wealth for a few bucks. The easiest way to shift the odds in your favor is to follow the time proven formula for success: Build consistent positive gains in a step by step fashion.
As your forex trading experience develops, so too will your income. The key to getting started is to set a very achievable first year goal.
A goal without a plan is simply a dream. The first step is take the time to write out a realistic week to week one year plan on how to build another source of income. As you move forward life may get in the way sometimes. Simply re-group adjust and continue to move towards your goal.
Whenever you feel frustrated take some time to do some creative visualization and imagine what an additional income stream will do to secure a better future for yourself and the ones that you are close to. Then get back to your plan. Remember the time will pass either way. Take action today.